Whether you are new to Safety Management, new to SMS Pro, or simply new to being an SMSAdmin there is a wealth of knowledge available here to keep your safety program alive and healthy. Information is organized into tabs and sub-tabs for your convenience

Use of multiple browser tabs with SMS Pro is not supported or recommended. If you need to work in SMS Pro on multiple tabs at the same time for example reviewing two different Issues, the best thing to do is to use different browsers (EG Microsoft Edge and Chrome)

Below are recommended steps in setting up an SMS Pro™ portal

Documenting the POC - or point of contact - for your SMS Pro portal is a small, but important piece of information. The POC for your portal is the single individual that should be the subject matter expert for your portal and the one responsible for providing training to your staff in all things SMS Pro. All tech support should be routed through this person, as a problem thought to be a technical issue may be instead a training issue. The POC is the individual who all software update notifications will primarily target.

The POC for your portal can be documented in Setup >> CustomizeSettings >> Company Info Tab.

At a minimum, a POC should have the following roles in order to access all of the features in SMS Pro:

  • SMSUsers (after induction process
  • SMSSafetyManagers
  • SMSDepartmentHeads
  • SMSAdmin

All requests for technical support should be sent to [email protected]. Messages to tech support should come from the portal POC in order to ensure that no conflicting requests from other users are received.

Messages sent to [email protected] are documented and routed to all support staff, ensuring the proper individual with the most expertise in the area you are experiencing trouble is assigned to your support ticket.

Need Help button    Throughout SMS Pro you will find the "Need Help" icon (Seen here to the left) floating in the upper-right corner of the page you are on. Clicking this button will open a pop-up that contains how-to videos and documentation for the module in the page you are on. You will also find FAQ specific to that module, and links to other resources available related to that topic of that module.

Being a complex system, it is understandable that training beyond that offered in the Need Help button pop-ups may be necessary. We offer a few options for more in-depth training

  • In-Person Basic and Advanced SMS Admin Training

    Several times a year SMS Pro Admin training classes are held at our facility in Anchorage, Alaska. Details for these classes can be found following the link above.

  • In-Person On-site Training

    For training more tailored to your specific needs, and with the ability to have as many personnel attend at your own facility we offer on-site in-person training. For more information about this training fill out the form in the link above.

  • On-line Training

    For brief, specialized training needs we offer on-line training. On-line training offers quick, specific training needs as selected by you and you are able to have up to twenty attendees. to request on-line training, use the link above.

To assist in getting you up and running we offer you a free One Hour on-line consultation for training and getting set-up, to request your One Hour consultation, first gather your information:

  • What are your pain points?
  • What could you use more help with?
  • what are your other knowledge gaps?

then send in your request for your one hour consultation to [email protected]

Divisions in SMS Pro represent logical segmentation of your organization, typically either operational, or geographical. Divisions may mirror existing segmentation in your organization or exist for the sole purpose of separating reports and who is responsible for them

Each division in your portal will possess certain artifacts unique to that division such as:

  • Departments
  • Classification Schemas
  • Users
  • Issue Statuses
  • Risk Matrices

Additional divisions can be added to your portal on request by contacting tech-support. There is an initial setup fee for each new division,

If you have historic SMS Incident / Accident data you wish to import to SMS Pro, download this historic data template and send to tech support ([email protected]).

Send us a list of users to import into the system. If you have over 20 users, we can save you considerable time using our bulk user import utility. Fill out this template and send it to us when complete.
excel icon   Excel Bulk User Import Template

User Roles in SMSPro have three functions:

  1. First and foremost, they provide security. They limit access to some features to those who should have access to them.
  2. They organize users by defining groups that a user would belong to, such as committees or teams.
  3. They describe specific positions an employee may fill, such as a pilot or specific type pilot, or ramp operator for instance.

There are seven core roles that SMS Pro comes with that we focus on, and several other accessory roles that provide additional functionality to a user. The seven core roles are:/p>

  1. Not Inducted - not inducted users are users who have not yet been trained in Use of and expectations from use of the SMS system. This role is automatically added to a user when first created and will be automatically removed upon completion of the induction process.
  2. SMSUser - This is the lowest level of permissions that a user must possess in order to:
    1. Submit Issues
    2. Be assigned corrective actions to complete
    3. View lessons learned

    These users are often the bulk of your employee base and do not require access to overview reports or other specialized functionality. All users of SMSPro must at a minimum have this role upon completion of the induction process. When a user has their induction completed the Not inducted role will automatically be removed and replaced with SMSUsers.

  3. SMSSafetyManagers - Users with this role are members or your safety team who would be responsible for the initial assessment of safety issues and determining classifications for a given issue. The are often performing tasks such as reviewing and revising policies and procedures, reviewing the status of safety issues and corrective actions assigned to these issues, determining if a formal investigation for an issue is necessary, data mining historic safety related data, scheduling safety meetings, and composing a variety of safety promotional correspondence to the company.
  4. SMSDepartmentHeads - Although you will primarily give this role to employees that are heads of departments, you should also consider giving this role to users who would typically be assigned as the responsible manager of tasks such as audits and training, and those that would be subject matter experts in resolving a safety issue… those that would perform an initial investigation and determine root cause and be overall responsible for determining corrective actions for a safety issue. Users in this role have access to a large number of the reports found in SMS Pro.
  5. SMSExecutives - This role should be given to the officers in your organization, those that are not often using SMSPro, but would need access to overview reports.
  6. SMSExtAuditor - This role should not be given to internal employees. It is intended for external auditors who would be reviewing your SMS on a read-only basis. This role prevents an user who has it from accessing normal functionality within a number of modules in SMS Pro, allowing them to only review the content in those modules for auditing purposes.
  7. SMSAdmin - Users with this role are the facilitators of the entire SMS Program, they do a large number of tasks from user management to portal configuration. Oftentimes the head safety manager for an organization is the sole SMSAdmin user for the company, depending on the size of the organization.

There are several other user roles that come with SMS Pro, many accessory roles that extend functionality for a user who has any of the above roles, and many custom roles that can be safely deleted if not used by your organization.

With your users imported and roles assigned you may now wonder “how do I determine who receives what notification?” or “how do I set who can see what items?”
The answer to these questions and more can be found in your Setup >> Customize Settings module [insert link on this text], on the User Roles Setup tab.
Here you can configure several settings at a user role level:

  • View Issues Own Division
    • Users in a selected role are able to see other reported issues for the division that they belong to once management has been able to close them.
    • A good typical setup for this is having SMSAdmin, SMSDepartmentHeads, SMSExecutive, SMSInvestigation Team, and SMSSafetyManagers roles selected. If your organization promotes limited transparency of safety issues, having SMSUsers selected is good here too, as they are then at least aware of what goes on in their division.
  • View Issues All Divisions
    • Users in a selected role are able to see reported issues in any division for the portal once they have been closed
    • SMSAdmin, SMSExecutive, and SMSSafetyManagers is a good typical setup. If your organization promotes full transparency, having SMSUsers selected is good.
  • New Issue Email Own Division
    • Users selected for this setting will receive a notification email upon submission of a new issue for the division it was reported for, making them aware that it exists and providing details about that issue as the reporter provided them
    • A typical setup for this would be SMSAdmin and SMSSafetyManagers, as they would be the first in line to be made aware of new issues and can then take the necessary steps. Having only these roles selected limits the amount of email that a department head or executive would receive from SMS Pro. That said, there is no reason the SMSDepartmentHeads or SMSExecutives could not receive notification for each new issue if that is what they desire.
  • New Issue Email All Divisions
    • Similar to above, users selected for this setting will receive a notification email upon submission of a new issue, but will receive it regardless of what division it was submitted to.
  • Edit
    • Although listed as “Edit” this setting does not allow editing of any items, but it does grant access to the inner tabs of Issue Manager. The break-down of access is as follows:
      • SMSSafetyManagers: Can Access Details, Assess, Classify, and Validate tabs. With the Edit setting on the Attachments and Investigate Tabs are accessible
      • SMSDepartmentHeads: Can Access Details, Manage, and Validate tabs. With the Edit Setting on the Attachments and Investigate tabs are accessible
      • All other roles: Can Access Details tab. With the Edit setting on the Attachments and Investigate Tabs are accessible
  • Delete
    • Users in a role with this setting enabled are able to view the red “X” icon in the Issues grid in Issue Manager.
    • Typically, only SMSAdmin has this setting turned on. But it is not uncommon for SMSSafetyManagers to also be able to delete issues if that makes sense for your operations.
  • High Risk Classification Email
    • Users in a role with this setting enabled are notified via email when an issue has been assessed as “Red” (indicating high risk)
    • Typically SMSAdmin and SMSExecutives have this setting on, but SMSSafetyManagers may also have it on.
  • High Risk Classification Closed Email
    • Similar to above, when a high risk issue has been closed, users in a selected role are notified.
    • Typically, SMSAdmin and SMSExecutives have this setting on, but SMSSafetyManagers may also have it on.
  • Overdue Tasks Emails
    • Users in a selected role for this setting will receive the daily (or weekly if your portal is configured for it) reminder emails, informing them that:
      • Issues the are assigned to are coming due or overdue
      • CPAs that have been assigned to them are coming due or overdue
      • CPAs that are assigned to an issue they are assigned to as manager are coming due or overdue
      • Messages created in Message board are unread
      • Audits they are assigned to are overdue or coming due
      • Emergency Drills they are assigned to are overdue or coming due
      • Validation of issues they were assigned to are overdue or coming due
      • Investigations that they are assigned to are overdue or coming due
      • Checklists assigned to them are overdue
      • Training and Qualification items are overdue or coming due for recertification
    • A typical configuration for this is SMSAdmin, MSDepartmentHeads, SMSSafetyManagers. SMSUsers can also be selected if the Corrective Actions are typically assigned to the average user, letting them know they have tasks overdue or coming due.
  • Thresholds Included in Overdue Tasks Emails
    • Issue Classifications can have thresholds configured for them, as described in this video: https://youtu.be/dtJgsLauLMA. If you have configured thresholds for any particular classification, notification of these thresholds being exceeded will go out with the Overdue Tasks emails to any roles selected for this option.
    • For the email to go out, the Overdue Tasks Emails setting will need to be enabled also for a selected role.
    • Typically, only SMSAdmin is selected for this setting, but it is not uncommon for SMSSafetyManagersto also be selected
  • Weekly Summary Email
    • Users in a role selected for this role will receive a weekly email summarizing activity in the portal. Unlike the other settings in this grid, this one can be configured for individual users in that role.
    • To ensure that users receive this email (if you wish them to) in addition to selecting a role from the User Role Setup grid, you will also need to check the user profile for the users in that role to turn on the “Receive Manager Emails” profile setting.

Keep in mind that there is a cascade up effect for user roles. Meaning if you select a basic role, such as SMSUsers to have a setting turned on, it is not required to also turn it on for an SMSAdmin or SMSExecutive, as they will already be granted the benefits of that setting due to also possessing SMSUsers.
But, elevated or accessory roles should have a setting turned on to ensure that they receive the benefit of the role, but the lesser roles do not.

An example of this would be for a regular user, who also happens to be part of an investigation team. You would want the SMSInvestigation team role to have the “Edit “ permission turned on, granting them access to the attachments and Investigate tab for an issue, but the average user would not need access to them.

Understanding User Induction in your SMS Pro portal is key to understanding the user roles and is the foundation for access to SMS Pro.

As you learned above, the most basic role a user must possess to have functional access to SMS Pro is SMSUsers. But when a user is first created the Not Inducted role, which provides limited access to SMS Pro.

The induction process will automatically assign the SMSUsers role to the user upon approval if you are using managed induction, or upon submit if using Self-Induction (each of which are explained in the "Need Help" pop-up for the SMS Induction Manager Module). The process itself is training for the user in use of your SMS, and expectations of the employee. This training is provided via content on the homepage of your portal (typically the Submit Issue page). There is a default template for this content available right out of the box, but it is intended to be customized to your organization's expectations and standards, so that your employees are training in use of the SMS your way.

For more details about SMS induction, consult the "Need Help" pop-up for the SMS Induction Manager Module.

Some of the first things you should do to begin configuring your SMS Pro portal are detailed below:

One area that should be addressed is ensuring that the risk matrix used in SMS Pro matches the risk matrix in your SMS Manual. Configuring your risk matrix can be accomplished by following the steps in this video: https://www.screencast.com/t/qTJCH5rREWiG

Your primary polices related to safety should be added to the Policy Manager Module.
The ones you should ensure are set areL

  • CEO (or whatever title your Accountable Executive holds) Commitment to Safety
  • Safety Policy
  • Non-punitive Reporting (this is one of the first things your inducted users will see when reporting issues)
  • About Reporting issues. (what is important to your SMS to be reported? What should NOT be reported in your SMS?)

Many of these should already exist in your SMS Manual. If you do not have an SMS Manual yet, we have a template for one available on our premium content downloads page, found in the documentation page mentioned in the email to you from when your portal was first configured. In it you can find a template for the non-punitive policy, as well as other good template documentation.

This list of policies and procedures should also be refined to match your company’s operations. If you do not have a policy or procedure that is listed by default, it should be removed, and any listed that are not already there should be added.

The description of duties and responsibilities of key personnel should be entered into the module of the same name for many reasons:

  • Clarity and Accountability: Clearly defining roles and responsibilities ensures that every individual within the organization understands what is expected of them concerning safety management. This clarity helps in establishing accountability, ensuring that each person knows their specific duties in maintaining safety standards.
  • Efficient Workflow: By delineating duties, the aviation safety management system can streamline workflow processes. When each person knows their role, tasks are assigned and executed more efficiently, reducing the likelihood of oversight or confusion.
  • Risk Mitigation: Aviation operations inherently involve risks. Identifying and assigning responsibilities related to safety management help in mitigating these risks effectively. Personnel responsible for specific tasks can focus on their areas of expertise, thereby minimizing the chance of oversight or error.
  • Compliance: Many aviation regulatory authorities require organizations to have a documented SMS as part of their compliance measures. Clearly outlining the duties and responsibilities of key personnel demonstrates to regulators that the organization is committed to safety and is actively managing risks.
  • Coordination and Communication: A well-defined structure of responsibilities fosters effective coordination and communication among team members. When everyone knows who is responsible for what aspect of safety management, it becomes easier to collaborate, share information, and address safety issues promptly.
  • Continuous Improvement: By documenting the duties and responsibilities of key personnel, organizations can better evaluate the effectiveness of their safety management system. Regular reviews allow for adjustments to be made, ensuring that roles evolve in response to changing organizational needs and industry standards.

This list should also be refined to match your company’s operations. If you do not have a role that is listed by default, it should be removed, and any listed that are not already there should be added. Oftentimes, this information is already detailed in your SMS Manual and can be copy and pasted into the description for each role, or a link to the applicable section of the manual can be entered for each role if you have the ability to do so.

Including an organizational chart in an aviation safety management system promotes clarity, transparency, accountability, risk identification, collaboration, compliance, and a strong safety culture within the organization. Oftentimes this is an image file that can be easily uploaded following the instructions in this video: https://youtu.be/ZvsegPrT0L4

This page is used to announce the implementation of your SMS. If you have a document already containing this information, you can add a link to it here, or copy and paste the text. If not, you can download a template of an "All Employee Letter" to modify and paste into the editor.

Typically any references to regulations that apply to your operations are posted here for quick reference available to all of your inducted employees. If you already have a list of these available, adding a link to that location is all that is necessary. In addition to having the information easily available to your employees, you should add this content here as it is our experience that auditors do not like seeing empty content in your SMS. How to add links to this module is discussed in this video: https://youtu.be/tH03m2PxIhI

The initial Gap Analysis for your organization should be completed during this first six months of use, allowing you to identify where the company sits in comparison to industry standards, and allowing for improvement in areas found deficient. Performing a gap analysis in aviation safety management is a systematic approach to ensuring compliance, identifying and mitigating risks, promoting continuous improvement, and ultimately enhancing safety across the entire aviation system. It is an integral part of a proactive and effective safety management system in the aviation industry.

In addition to completing an initial Gap Analysis as part of your SMS Pro implementation, performing a Gap Analysis should be at least an annual task, to ensure growth of your SMS.

The mindset that “More issues is better” seems counterintuitive to a safe organization, as logically fewer issues indicates you are more safe. But having employees submitting hazards often is a sign of a mature safety culture, as your company is identifying potentially unsafe conditions often, and indicates that the majority of employees feel comfortable reporting, and that their reporting both improves conditions at work and instills confidence that the organization places safety as a top priority, and that no one is blamed for reporting unsafe conditions.

If reporting an issue seems tedious to most employees, and that is the major bottleneck to having more issues reported, here are a few recommendations:

  1. Use of the quick report (for the first 3-6 months) to get them started is recommended, as it will allow employees to easily submit a report without being bogged down in details.
  2. Refining the number of Custom Reports to choose from (in the step based issue reporting option) to only 2-3 that you feel would be MOST LIKELY submitted by employees reduces decision fatigue. Over time, when employees are more comfortable with reporting issues more can be added back in to capture specific reporting information.
  3. Use of the Public Reporting Form allows you to reach a broader audience in having unsafe conditions or incidents, as sharing the link to that page allows you to have issues submitted by clients, vendors, employees who are not users, and other stakeholders.

By now you should have taken a peek at Issue Manager, which will likely be the module you spend the most time in. At first it can seem confusing for some operators, but we are here to help.

The basic workflows for Safety Risk Management in SMS Pro are documented in workflow diagrams that can be downloaded.

At its simplest, the typical life cycle of an issue is as follows:

  1. Issue is reported by user
  2. Notification emails are sent to all users who are configured to be notified of a new issue submission
  3. A safety manager will review the issue that they have been notified of and begin addressing the issue as follows:
    1. Assess the Issue
      1. Initial assessment:
        1. Review if the issue is valid and will be managed in the SMS
        2. Provide a risk statement (Risk statements allows safety managers to effectively communicate risk to a wide audience that may possess variable experience and knowledge of aviation operations)
        3. Perform an initial risk assessment using the risk matrix
        4. Set a target closure date (when should the issue be resolved by? Will vary depending on risk level)
    2. Classify the Issue
      1. Update the Type of concern (as needed)
      2. Enter / edit the date / time of occurrence (as needed)
      3. Set any issue security (as needed)
      4. Assign the issue to the appropriate department and manager
      5. Classify the issue (**Important step, as it drives your issue data**)

When the appropriate manager has been assigned to this issue, they will receive a notification of the assignment and can begin this step at any point in the life cycle

  1. Manage the Issue
    1. Review the management of the issue thus far (all details the Safety Manager has added)
    2. Perform preliminary investigation using investigation model selected for the portal (typically 5 whys, but can be another template) to identify the root cause of the issue
    3. Manage Corrective / Preventative Actions to address the issue and especially the root cause identified above.
    4. Communicate Risk to relevant personnel (as needed)
  2. Close the Issue
    1. When all assigned corrective actions have been accepted as complete by the responsible department head user, an automatic email notification will go out to safety managers, informing them that the corrective actions are complete.
    2. Perform a closing assessment on the issue using the risk matrix
    3. Set a “Next Review Date” as needed
    4. Change the status of the issue to closed, and provide a closing comment
  3. Validate the Issue
    1. If you set a review date for the issue, when that date approaches you can review the issue and corrective actions, and see if all actions taken to mitigate the issue are still valid, and no recurrence has occurred. If everything is acceptable, you can stop reviewing the Issue, or, you can continue to monitor the issue by recording your review, and then setting the next review date for further in the future. Once you are satisfied with the handling of the issue and are no longer reviewing, the life cycle for the issue comes to a close.

The issue life-cycle can be more involved too, depending on the nature of the issue you may need to open a formal investigation. The Issue manager module can be made more complex as needed as well, the Settings pop-up in Issue manager allows you to turn on/off features to tailor it to your operations and workflows. If you have any questions about any of these items, just reach out to us and we will be happy to help.

It is important to keep your Issue Classifications in mind when first configuring your SMS Pro portal. If you have not yet had an opportunity to fine-tune these items to your company’s operations, doing a little at a time over time is not a bad approach.

Out of the box, SMS Pro provides you with a number of classifications common to many sectors of the aviation industry. But to avoid noise, and have the best quality data quantifiers for all data-mining you will want to do, they should be tailored specifically to your operations.

The intent of classifications in SMS Pro is to set data points important to your company (not just Key Performance Indicators) for use in your data-mining activities.

Some important information to keep in mind about classifications:

  • Classifications belong to a division, and not the portal itself
  • The classifications provided by default are a combination of common classifications from across all sectors of the aviation industry, so some may not be relevant to your operations, and should be removed at your convenience

Classification Best Practices

  • Classifications should be in a three-tier system
    • Parent Level – Highest level in taxonomy. An organizational element
      • Event Type – Second level in taxonomy. An organizational element
        • Descriptor Level – The specific detail describing the incident

    If you find that classifications you are trying to create are not able to fit into a three-tier structure, maybe rethink the organizational elements. It could be that the item you believe should be at level one may in fact be a level-two item for a different parent level.

  • Classifications should be distinct
    • A classification in a single division should not be found in multiple Classification Types
  • Classifications should not already tracked by SMS Pro
  • When classifying issues, a general rule is to classify with:
    • At a minimum, ONE Type of Issue Classification
    • ONE Hazard Classification {there is only one primary dangerous condition per safety issue}
    • Multiple Root Cause Classifications
    • One to Three Human Factors (as applicable)
    • Two or fewer Safety Policy/Procedure Classifications (as applicable)
    *These are not hard rules, they are simply best practices
  • Don’t apply too many classifications to each issue
    • Leads to tedious and over-saturated data
  • Don’t update and review existing classifications
    • Leads to unreliable data

Types of Classification available in SMS Pro

  • Type Of Issue
    • What kind of problem is this?
    • Items listed here should not be Identified hazards or Root Causes
  • Associated Hazards
    • Originates in Proactive Hazard Analysis Tool (PHAT)
    • Helps feed Hazard Register
  • Human Factors
    • The environmental, organizational and job factors, and human and individual characteristics, which influence behavior which can affect safety
    • Although it breaks the best practice of classifications being unique, items listed here may be found in duplicate in Associated Hazards, as a specific Human Factor can be a known hazard that has specific risks and controls in place
  • Policies / Procedures
    • Directly fed from your Policies and Procedures module
    • Is this issue related in any way to your Policies and Procedures in place?
  • Root Causes
    • Items that contributed to an event taking place
  • Locations
    • Will come blank due to being unique to your operations
    • What locations that are not already configured (such as airports or map points) due your issues commonly take place?
  • Parts
    • Will come blank due to being unique to your operations
    • Are any parts used in your operations directly affecting issues?
  • Job Tasks
    • Will come blank due to being unique to your operations
    • Are tasks your users perform directly affecting issues?
  • Global
    • Hidden by default, as many operators make use of a single division
    • Will come blank due to being unique to your operations
    • Are items that you will want to track as a single, company-wide data point
    • Unlike the other classifications in this list items found here are not division specific
    • Of the above items, only Type of Issue and Associated Hazards cannot be hidden, all other classification types can be hidden if you would not use them as data points in your data mining operations

How to Use Classification Data

  • Classifications are often used in trend analysis, when trying to determine things like:
    • How many times were we exposed to ____ in the last year? How did we handle it?
  • Establishing and monitoring Key Performance Indicators
  • Modifying Safety Goals and Objectives
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of risk controls

The act of classifying an issue is such a small step in the overall process of managing an issue, but the power of that step, especially when done in conjunction with well thought out classifications schemas is incredible, and makes the task of providing detailed information about your SMS simple.

Hello, and congratulations on your new position of administering your SMS Pro portal. There is a lot to know, but we are here to help. Click on the topics below to expand and read about that item.

Documenting the POC - or point of contact - for your SMS Pro portal is a small, but important piece of information. The POC for your portal is the single individual that should be the subject matter expert for your portal and the one responsible for providing training to your staff in all things SMS Pro. All tech support should be routed through this person, as a problem thought to be a technical issue may be instead a training issue. The POC is the individual who all software update notifications will primarily target.

The POC for your portal can be documented in Setup >> CustomizeSettings >> Company Info Tab.

At a minimum, a POC should have the following roles in order to access all of the features in SMS Pro:

  • SMSUsers (after induction process
  • SMSSafetyManagers
  • SMSDepartmentHeads
  • SMSAdmin

All requests for technical support should be sent to [email protected]. Messages to tech support should come from the portal POC in order to ensure that no conflicting requests from other users are received.

Messages sent to [email protected] are documented and routed to all support staff, ensuring the proper individual with the most expertise in the area you are experiencing trouble is assigned to your support ticket.

Need Help button    Throughout SMS Pro you will find the "Need Help" icon (Seen here to the left) floating in the upper-right corner of the page you are on. Clicking this button will open a pop-up that contains how-to videos and documentation for the module in the page you are on. You will also find FAQ specific to that module, and links to other resources available related to that topic of that module.

Being a complex system, it is understandable that training beyond that offered in the Need Help button pop-ups may be necessary. We offer a few options for more in-depth training

  • In-Person Basic and Advanced SMS Admin Training

    Several times a year SMS Pro Admin training classes are held at our facility in Anchorage, Alaska. Details for these classes can be found following the link above.

  • In-Person On-site Training

    For training more tailored to your specific needs, and with the ability to have as many personnel attend at your own facility we offer on-site in-person training. For more information about this training fill out the form in the link above.

  • On-line Training

    For brief, specialized training needs we offer on-line training. On-line training offers quick, specific training needs as selected by yo and you are able to have up to forty attendees. to request on-line training, use the link above.

To make your transition into your new position as smooth as possible, we offer you a free One Hour on-line consultation for training and getting set-up, to request your One Hour consultation, first gather your information:

  • What are your pain points?
  • What could you use more help with?
  • what are your other knowledge gaps?

then send in your request for your one hour consultation to [email protected]

Managing the users in your SMS Pro portal will become a normal task for you to accomplish. It is not a difficult process though. The training videos listed to the left will walk you through the process. They can also be accessed in the "Need Help?" pop-up on the User Accounts page in your portal.

User Roles in SMSPro have three functions:

  1. First and foremost, they provide security. They limit access to some features to those who should have access to them.
  2. They organize users by defining groups that a user would belong to, such as committees or teams.
  3. They describe specific positions an employee may fill, such as a pilot or specific type pilot, or ramp operator for instance.

There are seven core roles that SMS Pro comes with that we focus on, and several other accessory roles that provide additional functionality to a user. The seven core roles are:/p>

  1. Not Inducted - not inducted users are users who have not yet been trained in Use of and expectations from use of the SMS system. This role is automatically added to a user when first created and will be automatically removed upon completion of the induction process.
  2. SMSUser - This is the lowest level of permissions that a user must possess in order to:
    1. Submit Issues
    2. Be assigned corrective actions to complete
    3. View lessons learned

    These users are often the bulk of your employee base and do not require access to overview reports or other specialized functionality. All users of SMSPro must at a minimum have this role upon completion of the induction process. When a user has their induction completed the Not inducted role will automatically be removed and replaced with SMSUsers.

  3. SMSSafetyManagers - Users with this role are members or your safety team who would be responsible for the initial assessment of safety issues and determining classifications for a given issue. The are often performing tasks such as reviewing and revising policies and procedures, reviewing the status of safety issues and corrective actions assigned to these issues, determining if a formal investigation for an issue is necessary, data mining historic safety related data, scheduling safety meetings, and composing a variety of safety promotional correspondence to the company.
  4. SMSDepartmentHeads - Although you will primarily give this role to employees that are heads of departments, you should also consider giving this role to users who would typically be assigned as the responsible manager of tasks such as audits and training, and those that would be subject matter experts in resolving a safety issue… those that would perform an initial investigation and determine root cause and be overall responsible for determining corrective actions for a safety issue. Users in this role have access to a large number of the reports found in SMS Pro.
  5. SMSExecutives - This role should be given to the officers in your organization, those that are not often using SMSPro, but would need access to overview reports.
  6. SMSExtAuditor - This role should not be given to internal employees. It is intended for external auditors who would be reviewing your SMS on a read-only basis. This role prevents an user who has it from accessing normal functionality within a number of modules in SMS Pro, allowing them to only review the content in those modules for auditing purposes.
  7. SMSAdmin - Users with this role are the facilitators of the entire SMS Program, they do a large number of tasks from user management to portal configuration. Oftentimes the head safety manager for an organization is the sole SMSAdmin user for the company, depending on the size of the organization.

There are several other user roles that come with SMS Pro, many accessory roles that extend functionality for a user who has any of the above roles, and many custom roles that can be safely deleted if not used by your organization.

With your users added and roles assigned you may now wonder “how do I determine who receives what notification?” or “how do I set who can see what items?”
The answer to these questions and more can be found in your Setup >> Customize Settings module [insert link on this text], on the User Roles Setup tab.
Here you can configure several settings at a user role level:

  • View Issues Own Division
    • Users in a selected role are able to see other reported issues for the division that they belong to once management has been able to close them.
    • A good typical setup for this is having SMSAdmin, SMSDepartmentHeads, SMSExecutive, SMSInvestigation Team, and SMSSafetyManagers roles selected. If your organization promotes limited transparency of safety issues, having SMSUsers selected is good here too, as they are then at least aware of what goes on in their division.
  • View Issues All Divisions
    • Users in a selected role are able to see reported issues in any division for the portal once they have been closed
    • SMSAdmin, SMSExecutive, and SMSSafetyManagers is a good typical setup. If your organization promotes full transparency, having SMSUsers selected is good.
  • New Issue Email Own Division
    • Users selected for this setting will receive a notification email upon submission of a new issue for the division it was reported for, making them aware that it exists and providing details about that issue as the reporter provided them
    • A typical setup for this would be SMSAdmin and SMSSafetyManagers, as they would be the first in line to be made aware of new issues and can then take the necessary steps. Having only these roles selected limits the amount of email that a department head or executive would receive from SMS Pro. That said, there is no reason the SMSDepartmentHeads or SMSExecutives could not receive notification for each new issue if that is what they desire.
  • New Issue Email All Divisions
    • Similar to above, users selected for this setting will receive a notification email upon submission of a new issue, but will receive it regardless of what division it was submitted to.
  • Edit
    • Although listed as “Edit” this setting does not allow editing of any items, but it does grant access to the inner tabs of Issue Manager. The break-down of access is as follows:
      • SMSSafetyManagers: Can Access Details, Assess, Classify, and Validate tabs. With the Edit setting on the Attachments and Investigate Tabs are accessible
      • SMSDepartmentHeads: Can Access Details, Manage, and Validate tabs. With the Edit Setting on the Attachments and Investigate tabs are accessible
      • All other roles: Can Access Details tab. With the Edit setting on the Attachments and Investigate Tabs are accessible
  • Delete
    • Users in a role with this setting enabled are able to view the red “X” icon in the Issues grid in Issue Manager.
    • Typically, only SMSAdmin has this setting turned on. But it is not uncommon for SMSSafetyManagers to also be able to delete issues if that makes sense for your operations.
  • High Risk Classification Email
    • Users in a role with this setting enabled are notified via email when an issue has been assessed as “Red” (indicating high risk)
    • Typically SMSAdmin and SMSExecutives have this setting on, but SMSSafetyManagers may also have it on.
  • High Risk Classification Closed Email
    • Similar to above, when a high risk issue has been closed, users in a selected role are notified.
    • Typically, SMSAdmin and SMSExecutives have this setting on, but SMSSafetyManagers may also have it on.
  • Overdue Tasks Emails
    • Users in a selected role for this setting will receive the daily (or weekly if your portal is configured for it) reminder emails, informing them that:
      • Issues the are assigned to are coming due or overdue
      • CPAs that have been assigned to them are coming due or overdue
      • CPAs that are assigned to an issue they are assigned to as manager are coming due or overdue
      • Messages created in Message board are unread
      • Audits they are assigned to are overdue or coming due
      • Emergency Drills they are assigned to are overdue or coming due
      • Validation of issues they were assigned to are overdue or coming due
      • Investigations that they are assigned to are overdue or coming due
      • Checklists assigned to them are overdue
      • Training and Qualification items are overdue or coming due for recertification
    • A typical configuration for this is SMSAdmin, MSDepartmentHeads, SMSSafetyManagers. SMSUsers can also be selected if the Corrective Actions are typically assigned to the average user, letting them know they have tasks overdue or coming due.
  • Thresholds Included in Overdue Tasks Emails
    • Issue Classifications can have thresholds configured for them, as described in this video: https://youtu.be/dtJgsLauLMA. If you have configured thresholds for any particular classification, notification of these thresholds being exceeded will go out with the Overdue Tasks emails to any roles selected for this option.
    • For the email to go out, the Overdue Tasks Emails setting will need to be enabled also for a selected role.
    • Typically, only SMSAdmin is selected for this setting, but it is not uncommon for SMSSafetyManagersto also be selected
  • Weekly Summary Email
    • Users in a role selected for this role will receive a weekly email summarizing activity in the portal. Unlike the other settings in this grid, this one can be configured for individual users in that role.
    • To ensure that users receive this email (if you wish them to) in addition to selecting a role from the User Role Setup grid, you will also need to check the user profile for the users in that role to turn on the “Receive Manager Emails” profile setting.

Keep in mind that there is a cascade up effect for user roles. Meaning if you select a basic role, such as SMSUsers to have a setting turned on, it is not required to also turn it on for an SMSAdmin or SMSExecutive, as they will already be granted the benefits of that setting due to also possessing SMSUsers.
But, elevated or accessory roles should have a setting turned on to ensure that they receive the benefit of the role, but the lesser roles do not.

An example of this would be for a regular user, who also happens to be part of an investigation team. You would want the SMSInvestigation team role to have the “Edit “ permission turned on, granting them access to the attachments and Investigate tab for an issue, but the average user would not need access to them.

Understanding User Induction in your SMS Pro portal is key to understanding the user roles and is the foundation for access to SMS Pro.

As you learned above, the most basic role a user must possess to have functional access to SMS Pro is SMSUsers. But when a user is first created the Not Inducted role, which provides limited access to SMS Pro.

The induction process will automatically assign the SMSUsers role to the user upon approval if you are using managed induction, or upon submit if using Self-Induction (each of which are explained in the "Need Help" pop-up for the SMS Induction Manager Module). The process itself is training for the user in use of your SMS, and expectations of the employee. This training is provided via content on the homepage of your portal (typically the Submit Issue page). There is a default template for this content available right out of the box, but it is intended to be customized to your organization's expectations and standards, so that your employees are training in use of the SMS your way.

For more details about SMS induction, consult the "Need Help" pop-up for the SMS Induction Manager Module.

Overdue issues can be found in two places, both in Risk Management => Data Analysis and Export => Custom Reports tab, in the Reported Issues group.

The first place you will find them is in the List of Overdue Issues, where you can view issues That have not been closed yet but are past the target closure date.

The second place is in the Issue Not Closed per Policy report (also in the same group) where you are able to view Issues that either:

  • Have been closed, but closed past the target date; or
  • Are not yet closed, and are past due

Issues that have been closed will also display the number of days past due

Frequently Asked Questions
